Resonance in my world: From the article on Sound Healing: resonance-harmonious pitch in unison with another pitch or frequency. Resonance may be different for different individuals. I have heard that some people who listen to heavy metal music are calmed by it, while others would find it disturbing and unsettling. It is subjective; some would feel at ease in a forest setting but maybe for someone who had a troubling experience in the forest may not be comfortable in that same setting. You could say that something does not "resonate" with you. Some of it is learned, cultural, instinctual. But it also means that resonance for someone could change through life experiences, enlightenment and education. I think I've been able to learn what resonates with me as I've gotten older. Or maybe I did know what resonated with me when I was a kid but it was just different. But for some of my adult life I think I tried to ignore what resonated with me in order to do what society...
Showing posts from June, 2018
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Vibrations Are All Vibrations Good? Part of me wants to say that the vibrations we experience in this world are neither good or bad, but just exist. Vibrations from an earthquake are not necessarily beneficial or safe for humans but I don't believe they are bad or malicious. But the term "bad vibes" comes to mind when I try to answer the question, "Are all vibrations good?" I do believe there exists dark energy patterns or thought forms. I would consider these vibrations bad. For example, I think humans sometimes get stuck in negative thought patterns such as with certain forms of depression as well as anger patterns. Also malicious intent from the criminally insane or otherwise would be considered bad in my mind. One could physically feel negative vibrations in the presence of such a person. Sometimes you can feel certain bad vibrations when visiting particularly violent historical places. One may describe a dark feeling or negativity while in the vicinity o...
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6/11/18 Chaos and Consciousness: From the Chaos and Consciousness article, Amy Lansky stated, "consciousness is ancative force that we can exercise in the universe and not simply a passive perception of that same universe." This is something I think most people don't think about. I think most people sit back and watch the universe go by and not really thinking about at all. I think this relates to Chinese Medicine because if we can talk with people about being consciously involved in their own healing that is very valuable for positive healing outcomes. I thought the example given in the readings hit home for me. It talked about an episode of depression which is accompanied by behaviors that feed that state of mind. Cognitive processes become tilted toward discouraging outcomes. We tend to recall unpleasant memories when we are depressed to create a continuous cycle of mood and memory. We get caught in a downward cycle, but it can be broken b...
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Fractals: A geometric shape repeated within itself on a smaller scale. The parts represent the whole. Each part is a mini mirror of the whole thing. So I think that I've definitely been aware of fractals in nature for quite sometime. Even as a kid. We notice these types of things as kids but don't know it as fractals I think. Like the oak tree; each branch gets smaller and smaller as you look further out on the branch. And within each branch each little section looks like a representation of the whole. As children we are often more up close and personal with nature. Children spend hours rolling in grass and studying leaves and other aspects of nature. It's not looked at as studying nature necessarily, but I think children are taking in all kinds of information just being out in nature and spending time out doors. "Fractals exhibit great complexity driven by simplicity." Below are a couple of cool references for inspiring and beautiful...
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6/11/18 Ordered Chaos From the Collins English Dictionary: ordered chaos: A complex situation or process that appears chaotic while having enough order to achieve progress or goals. So it seems to me there's a movement toward chaos and at the same time a pull toward order to balance it out. That is pretty much what I got from the reading handout Chaos- A Science of Process. It talks about Autopoiesis and Entropy. It says, "Thre are two forces in the universe that govern the creation and dissolution of order and disorder. Autopoiesis is the spontaneous emergence and maintenance of order from a disordered context. Entropy is the spontaneous breakdown of order, or creation of disorder, from an ordered context. These two forces balance each other in an ongoing harmonious dance, much like the Yin and Yang int he traditional Chinese Tai Chi symbol." It kind of reminds me of when we work to make out kitchen orderly for example, and for a short time it s...
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6/10/18 Compare Four Forces: The Four "Forces" article talks about the strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force and gravity. It explains that gravity is no longer explained as a "force" in the Newtonian theory of gravitation. No gravitational force is acting at a distance to cause a body to accelerate as it is stated in the article. So it seems like what is being said is that the three forces, electromagnetic and the strong and weak nuclear forces are emitting a field which affects the behavior of distant objects, while gravity is no longer thought of in this way. The Newtonian idea was replaced with Einstein's theory of general relativity which states that two objects exert a force of attraction on one another known as "gravity." While one object is pulling you toward it, you are also pulling on that object and so kind of acting together in this gravitational way.
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6/10/18 What is the function of gravity? A grounding. I think the function of gravity is to keep everything on the earth and not floating out into space! In the case of the physists in the elevator, born and brought up inside the elevator, they have a completely different perspective of existence than we do as observers on the outside. Our sense of gravity is different from someone accelerating downward in the elevator. A dropped handkerchief floats in mid air and if pushed, moves vertically to hit the wall of the elevator. At Disneyworld there is the tower of terror elevator that drops people or pulls the elevator down faster than the speed of gravity for a temporary feeling of weightlessness. Another example is a the roundup ride at the fair uses centrifical force to push you back against the wall emulating a stronger sense of gravity. So, again, what is the purpose of gravity? I'm not really sure!!!
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6/10/18 E=MCsquared I think car pollution is something you really notice when you live in a city. I lived in New York City for 11 years on the lower West Side for a while and then on the lower East Side. NYC is basically a grid with streets running East and West and avenues running North and South. One thing I definitely noticed was the pollution for the dense congestion from people and especially vehicles. Exhaust from cars and trucks was unescapable. You choked on it when you walked down the street. I could see the black soot build up on my apartment window. I found the comment in class about how even a beautifully tuned car has only 37% efficiency really interesting. Einstein's famous formula E=MCsquared is saying that energy and mass are essentially the same thing. In the case of the burning of gasoline for energy to make the car go, is not 100% one to one conversion. There is 37% efficiency and the rest is lost to biproducts or pollution. It makes...
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Week Three Assignment Explaining Connectivity Based on what I know now, I believe all is connected, although I don't completely understand how. I believe there are energies at work that we cannot see. I look at examples such as the meridian system in Chinese medicine. The channels are not separate; where one ends the other begins. Yin and Yang. Where one ends the other begins. One can transform into the other. It seems, we cannot see all things at all times, but rather it seems we mostly see just a piece of something at any given time. Maybe there are those moments when we see multidimensionally that we discover synchronicity and connectivity. Even though I believe all things are connected whether one realizes it or not, I also think one's believe plays a powerful role in how we view our world. I am always so shocked at how differently two people can interpret the same incident! Additionally, most of us aren't skilled communicators (myself) or active listeners and it m...