Are All Vibrations Good?

Part of me wants to say that the vibrations we experience in this world are neither good or bad, but just exist. Vibrations from an earthquake are not necessarily beneficial or safe for humans but I don't believe they are bad or malicious. But the term "bad vibes" comes to mind when I try to answer the question, "Are all vibrations good?" I do believe there exists dark energy patterns or thought forms. I would consider these vibrations bad. For example, I think humans sometimes get stuck in negative thought patterns such as with certain forms of depression as well as anger patterns. Also malicious intent from the criminally insane or otherwise would be considered bad in my mind. One could physically feel negative vibrations in the presence of such a person. Sometimes you can feel certain bad vibrations when visiting particularly violent historical places. One may describe a dark feeling or negativity while in the vicinity of an ancient battleground. What is this? Many people have had this feeling and may not have even been aware that the place has violent history. One theory is that the land, the trees and so forth absorb the negative energy as a kind of memory. I'm trying to figure out how to compost my negative thoughts!


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