Resonance in my world:

From the article on Sound Healing: resonance-harmonious pitch in unison with another pitch or frequency. Resonance may be different for different individuals. I have heard that some people who listen to heavy metal music are calmed by it, while others would find it disturbing and unsettling. It is subjective; some would feel at ease in a forest setting but maybe for someone who had a troubling experience in the forest may not be comfortable in that same setting. You could say that something does not "resonate" with you. Some of it is learned, cultural, instinctual. But it also means that resonance for someone could change through life experiences, enlightenment and education.

I think I've been able to learn what resonates with me as I've gotten older. Or maybe I did know what resonated with me when I was a kid but it was just different. But for some of my adult life I think I tried to ignore what resonated with me in order to do what society demands. It's clear to me that many of us in modern society are trained to ignore such a thing in order to stay in step with a demanding lifestyle. Also we are so bombarded by media and advertisements that our thoughts and feelings are not our own. How are we to feel true resonance for oneself in modern culture? Certainly more challenging and what comes to mind is meditation!


  1. I like your idea about what 'resonates' with us changing as we mature. It might be that our tolerance for a wider range of frequencies increases. As we do with our palate - like learning to relish the taste of brussels sprouts after avoiding them as a kid - maybe our resonance palate also matures, allowing us to enjoy the frequencies of more people, places and things. I've also seen this go in the other direction - people allowing their worlds to get smaller, shutting out flavors, frequencies and feelings. Maybe, like you say, we get so bombarded with external stimuli that some just shut everything out in a protective gesture.


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