6/11/18 Ordered Chaos
From the Collins English Dictionary:
ordered chaos: A complex situation or process that appears chaotic while having enough order to achieve progress or goals.
it seems to me there's a movement toward chaos and at the same time a
pull toward order to balance it out. That is pretty much what I got from
the reading handout Chaos- A Science of Process. It talks about
Autopoiesis and Entropy. It says, "Thre are two forces in the universe
that govern the creation and dissolution of order and disorder.
Autopoiesis is the spontaneous emergence and maintenance of order from a
disordered context. Entropy is the spontaneous breakdown of order, or
creation of disorder, from an ordered context. These two forces balance
each other in an ongoing harmonious dance, much like the Yin and Yang
int he traditional Chinese Tai Chi symbol." It kind of reminds me of when we
work to make out kitchen orderly for example, and for a short time it
seems that way but in no time at all everything is in disarray again.
Chaos is all around us. Chaos to order, simplicity to complexity. E=MC2 a
simple equation to explain so much complexity. As I was searching for
some articles for ordered chaos I ran into some TED talk videos which
describes turbulent flow and laminant flow. Turbulence is good as it
spreads things out and can cool something down. However is aerodynamics
turbulence is not good. Turbulence creates drag and resistance. Laminant
flow there is less drag. This seemed really interesting to me and seems to relate to the idea of order and chaos. Turbulence is chaotic and laminent flow is more ordered? Laminent or laminar flow in which a gas or liquid flows in a smooth, regular path in contrast to turbulent flow which undergoes irregular fluctuations and mixing according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.
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