think car pollution is something you really notice when you live in a
city. I lived in New York City for 11 years on the lower West Side for a
while and then on the lower East Side. NYC is basically a grid with
streets running East and West and avenues running North and South. One
thing I definitely noticed was the pollution for the dense congestion
from people and especially vehicles. Exhaust from cars and trucks was
unescapable. You choked on it when you walked down the street. I could
see the black soot build up on my apartment window. I found the comment
in class about how even a beautifully tuned car has only 37% efficiency
really interesting. Einstein's famous formula E=MCsquared is saying that
energy and mass are essentially the same thing. In the case of the
burning of gasoline for energy to make the car go, is not 100% one to
one conversion. There is 37% efficiency and the rest is lost to
biproducts or pollution. It makes me wonder about different technologies
that would be more efficient in getting people from point A to point B.
Why can't we just switch over to a more sustainable method? We are
definitely taking too long to turn the ship around!
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