
Showing posts from July, 2018
7/30/18 I know I am a living system because..... Wow! Crazy how things can become not so black and white when you begin to look into what is considered a living thing. According to NASA, all living things share a carbon based chemistry, depend on water, or leave behind a fossil with carbon or sulfur isotopes that point to a past metabolism. Scientists struggle to define "life." From what I have read so far, it seems like something could be considered living and have certain characteristics of life, while others may be "alive"  and have slightly different characteristics. Crystals are interesting. They can grow and respond to stimuli but lack a nervous system. I believe there are many different forms of life and we can see things as living that are not what we would expect. In a Native American perspective even rocks are infused with spirit, is that a living thing?
7/21/18 Writing in E-Prime Waking on this day brings happiness for my family. A day of rest and family time always welcome. The day well planned and full for all with important activities and engagements. Some of which are, first and foremost, Sunday breakfast, lego time, homework time, cleaning and meeting with friends at the plaza. I feel the energy of the morning coming in through the Eastern direction of the patio and welcome the sun. Good Morning! Birdsong fills the air and brings happiness. Soon I decide to begin some serious work around the house for a while and then into homework. Running back and forth to the plaza providing rides is anticipated. I feel a sudden sense of panic that passes when I begin to water the garden. Ah the morning, savor the day, stay in the moment. Breath and relax is the message today.

CP Violation

7/14/18 What does the CP violation mean? This article talks about “The puzzling decay of the neutral kaon.” I had a very hard time getting the jist of this article, but it sounds like scientists had a general theory called the CPT theorem. Some testing was done which violated this general theory and surprised them. They either had to scrap the original theory or accept some surprising results.   Apparently, until the 1960’s scientists thought particles decayed at the same rate whether time ran forward or backward. There were some tests done at Princeton in which the CP was violated. According their findings, they were faced with a choice; either the CPT theorem was incorrect, or the kaon decays at a different way in a universe where time runs backward. “The particle decay arrow seems completely unconnected with all the other arrows of time.” Strange! I would imagine that it is very hard for some scientists to let go of the findings they have come to rely on for the


7/14/18 My Asymmetrical Self I have lived with this body for a while now and I do recall as a child, noticing the asymmetry of my body. I have watch my body change in different ways over the years I have always had one thigh that was larger than the other, one foot just slightly longer and of course the left and right side of my face each have individual characteristics. I’ve noticed the uniqueness of each hand. Why do we look for symmetry in nature? It’s pleasing to the eye. There is beauty in symmetry, the perfectly shaped leaf or flower for example. But it seems much of nature is asymmetrical and is more common that we think. Even though at first glance our bodies appear to be symmetrical, the two halves are not the same. The basic building blocks down to a cellular level of the human are symmetrical. It begins when a human is formed. Chirality is a term meaning a molecule and its mirror image are not the same. Our internal organs are asymmetrical. The lungs are not symm

Sacred Geometry

7/14/18 Sacred Geometry and Physics Based on the article, “A Brief and Somewhat Curious View of Sacred Geometry” I would say yes, sacred geometry and physics do have a connection. In fact, the article states the connections are numerous. For example, the article states the structure of the mandala encompasses within it higher dimensional math explored by quantum physicists. Mandalas were used in meditation practice and was invented between the first and second millennium in southern and southeastern Asia. They are considered a major step in sacred geometry, they were important because they depicted abstract concepts of time and higher states of consciousness. Also, the article points to the kabalistic Tree of Life. It’s ten “sephiroth” and on hidden sephiroth corresponds to the 11-dimensional universe postulated in string theory. It draws parallels between the kabalistic beliefs are about nature of spirit and body and the ideas of energy and matter in theory of relativity.