Comments on Causality: 

I found the articles comparing causality and synchronicity very interesting. When I think of life in terms of causality, what comes to mind are examples like, if I walk in front of a fast-moving car I will be hurt, if you leave your shoes out in the rain they will get wet, if you toss a ball up it will shortly fall back down to you. Something, an act or gesture, causes or brings forth something else. One follows the other in a linear fashion.
The article, “Synchronicity and Causality-Two Different Philosophical Approaches to the World” by Nikolova, Antoaneta compares the contrasting ideas of Western thought on causality and the Chinese vision of synchronicity. Causality is connected with our perception abilities and is a mechanistically arranged universe and understands the world in terms of divided and separate entities. The principle of synchronicity is a vision with interconnected aspects such as interdependence of polarities with a dynamic unity of the universe. One is linear and unidirectional while the other is cyclical with a mutuality to beginning and end. Every end is a beginning and vice versa. Unity of opposites is one of the main differences to causality. Cause and effect are connected but are not reciprocal.
What strikes me most is how much this idea of separateness influences how we live in the world. We see ourselves as separate from everything including nature and each other. This to me, is connected to all forms of disease in the world from environmental degradation, extinction of species, mental illness and loneliness.


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