Our Weird Universe

5/29/18 Physics, week two assign.
Is the Universe Weird?
The universe is certainly beautifully weird and I am in awe of it! Discussing the particles that make-up the universe is fascinating. Weird is a relative adjective. What is weird to one may be normal to another. Counterculture of the sixties. Beatniks of the fifties. People who are not familiar with Chinese medicine or have not had acupuncture may find that very weird. Anything that is unfamiliar to a person is often considered weird. And understandably so; if a person has no context of an experience their understanding is limited. Also, whether one is accepting of new ideas and philosophies or rigid and closed minded has a lot to do with of personal perception. And perception becomes reality for that individual. For the adventurous thinker, weirdness will always be in flux, transforming over time into new understandings and familiarity. While those who are closed minded the thing that is weird to them stays the same. If they choose not accept this or that, their consciousness stay limited. I believe this is the whole basis for racism, sexism, classism and all the “negative-isms” in the world.


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