
Showing posts from May, 2018
5/29/18 Week Three Assignment Evidence for Synchronicity I have had many examples of coincidences that were synchronistic in my life. Not all of them have been ones that make "the hair go up on the back of your neck" experiences. This is how author Alex Marcoux expressed how she discerns whether life events are a message from the Universe or a random event. She says there are indicators if it is a message from the Universe: is it meaningful, improbable and if it feels like an epiphany. Lately, these little events seem to be happening more and more frequently in my life. I wouldn't describe all the experiences as an epiphany, but I still do pay attention to them. I tend to feel like everything happening in life is meaningful. It does feel a bit more random, yet not random and interesting enough to pay attention to. I try to be observant of my surroundings, there are those days that I will notice a person somewhere for whatever reason like they were in front of me in li

Our Weird Universe

5/29/18 Physics, week two assign. Is the Universe Weird? The universe is certainly beautifully weird and I am in awe of it! Discussing the particles that make-up the universe is fascinating. Weird is a relative adjective. What is weird to one may be normal to another. Counterculture of the sixties. Beatniks of the fifties. People who are not familiar with Chinese medicine or have not had acupuncture may find that very weird. Anything that is unfamiliar to a person is often considered weird. And understandably so; if a person has no context of an experience their understanding is limited. Also, whether one is accepting of new ideas and philosophies or rigid and closed minded has a lot to do with of personal perception. And perception becomes reality for that individual. For the adventurous thinker, weirdness will always be in flux, transforming over time into new understandings and familiarity. While those who are closed minded the thing that is weird to them stays the same. If
Comments on Causality:  I found the articles comparing causality and synchronicity very interesting. When I think of life in terms of causality, what comes to mind are examples like, if I walk in front of a fast-moving car I will be hurt, if you leave your shoes out in the rain they will get wet, if you toss a ball up it will shortly fall back down to you. Something, an act or gesture, causes or brings forth something else. One follows the other in a linear fashion. The article, “Synchronicity and Causality-Two Different Philosophical Approaches to the World” by Nikolova, Antoaneta compares the contrasting ideas of Western thought on causality and the Chinese vision of synchronicity. Causality is connected with our perception abilities and is a mechanistically arranged universe and understands the world in terms of divided and separate entities. The principle of synchronicity is a vision with interconnected aspects such as interdependence of polarities with a dynamic unity of
My name is Alison Kelly and I live and work in Sonoma. I have been an herbalist for the past 15 years studying and teaching classes in herbal medicine making, nutritional benefits of herbs and herbal teamaking. In 2016 I co-taught a series of essential oils for self care classes for Sonoma Valley Hospital staff, and completed a year long certificate program in Health Navigation at Sonoma State. I have a small herbal products company and currently make and sell a savory herbal seasoning locally in Sonoma, work as a natural foods personal home cook, food artisan and soupmaker. I am also participating in a acupuncture tutorial program at Sonoma Valley Acupuncture and Herb Center and am excited to be learning about Chinese medicine.