
Showing posts from August, 2018

8/8/18 Bionics: The development of a bionic person and it's use in the military

8/8/18 Supporting Bionics for Humans? My first feeling about this topic is that I would support the option of bionics for humans in need of limbs, in place of old prosthetic limbs that have previously existed. I have not had to worry about this personally for myself or any of my family members, but I imagine that for someone who does, advances in science in this field are really important for having a more functional, happy life. I had a childhood friend who didn’t need a prosthetic limb, but was disabled and needed braces from the waist down as a child to assist with walking. These things were heavy, stiff, ugly and just archaic! It sounds like newer developments are moving toward more sophisticated options that are more accessible for average people. The UK based tech company mentioned in our readings is using 3-D printing technology to create prosthetic limbs which are more affordable. This sounds like a good thing. Especially for a child, being mobile and being able to do t...

Human Intent as it affects health

8/2/18 Human intent as it affects health It is true that our thoughts affect our health and our life in general. I believe one’s intention as a practitioner plays a major role in healing outcomes of patients for sure. In the practice of therapeutic touch a practitioner is taught to center oneself and connect with the client. You are taught to focus on wholeness, compassion and order when working with the person’s energy field. This centeredness is very important for the process. Sometimes it is called for to send energy and sometimes one can focus on a color such as blue to calm, cool and sooth. The intention to focus on the color blue is very specific. If good results are the desired outcome for the healing session then intention of the practitioner is very important. In this example, the color blue is chosen because it resonates with particular qualities which are matched with what is needed for the patient. This is part of the intention.

Kirlian Photography

8/2/18 Conclusions from Kirlian photography I had never heard of kirlian photography before and I’m not sure how to interpret the photography process which produce the images, but I think it makes perfect sense that organisms would have an energy field emanating from them. But based on what I read, I’m not sure how one would be sure how the glowing field is actually produced. I would love to see it in person! The results have been controversial the article said, but I think people in various fields have been saying this for a long, long time. Kirlian photography illustrates ancient notions that have come from traditions like the Sufi or Hindu and Buddhist accounts of metaphysics, cosmology, yoga and meditation. One person who comes to mind after reading the article about auras and kirlian photography, is Dora van Gelder Kunz. She was born with clairvoyant faculties and could see a person’s aura. The Personal Aura , written by Dora and includes color drawings of people’s auras...